Emojis, created by Shigetaka Kurita, originated in Japan in 1999. The term originated from the Japanese words 'e' (image) and 'moji' (character). Emojis express emotions and information through simple icons at a time when text messages and internet use were emerging. With emojis, R U K explores the relationship between emotions and ancient and contemporary iconic images. An invitation to contemplation from a visual composition about emotions and meanings conveyed by these images. How do these combinations resonate with the modern human experience? A bridge between old and new communication.

Object series
︎︎︎  Ecce Homo  /  Louis Carton  /  Wood  /  Tiles  /  Mac Jesus  /  Pleasure Ground  /  * ART

The process of observation and creation, infused with attention to detail and the gift of turning visual elements into tangible works of art, is the essence of observation sculpture. It is what R U K excels at. He is able to capture the deep complexity and timeless beauty of the world. Through this challenging and inner-rewarding art form, he continuously refines and broadens his skills so that his creativity can deepen and flourish.

Instant series
Polaroids are a glimpse from the past, a snapshot captured in time. They capture the spontaneity of the moment and freeze it in a tangible print. R U K puts his own spin on this feeling with his instant paintings on plexiglass. Oil paint on a modern canvas, where the focus is on capturing everyday moments. The charm of instant photography translated into the realm of painting, without frills. Just the raw essence of the moment in a handmade print.

Realist series
︎︎︎  Dead Birds  /  Bored Ape  /  Skull  /  Puta  /  Frida  /  Snow

R U K strives for both visual accuracy and capturing emotional and human truths, political realities or falsehoods, impermanence, and more. The ability to draw what you see, technical skills, mastery of painting and drawing techniques, and the creation of works close to reality is the basis of his realist art. An invitation to challenge, inspire, or confront the complexity of the world around us.

Abstract series
︎︎︎  Karel  /  Abstract I  /  Abstract II  /  Abstract III  /  Abstract IV  /  Cardboard Portrait
The freedom of expression without the constraints of the visible world, is like an open horizon. A place where emotions, ideas, and concepts can be expressed without boundaries. Breaking with traditional artistic rules offers the freedom to experiment with various techniques and approaches. For R U K, this is a gateway to exploring new forms of self-expression and visual communication. It encourages both him and the viewer to think outside the boundaries of the literal and recognizable, discovering a world of unlimited creative possibilities.

Arnhem, The Netherlands